10 Year NEXT GEN Transition

See how catalyzing 60,000,000 tonnes of NEXT GEN alternatives reduces GHG emissions, diverts waste, creates jobs, and keeps vital forests out of paper, packaging, and textiles.


India & South East Asia

India is the world's largest textile recycler and second largest manufacturer of straw pulp. The ~100M tonnes of straw India burns annually represents untapped feedstock to dramatically scale NEXT GEN markets and provide a social transformation opportunity for the Indian economy.

By 2028, Indian paper and viscose sectors are quick to expand production of locally available NEXT GEN fibre, generating income for farmers and thousands of textile recycling jobs. New mills throughout India and Southeast Asia drive low-carbon supply to global fashion and packaging customers.

By 2033, India and Southeast Asia have become a global hub for the NEXT GEN fibre market, producing over 25M tonnes per year. Shifting demand away from virgin forest fibre helps secure protection of the region’s irreplaceable rainforests and peatlands including Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem.

  • 15.9MTonnes of GHG emissions avoided
  • 9MTonnes of agricultural waste diverted
  • 0.42MTonnes of textile waste diverted
  • 2800Green jobs created
Investment ($USD)$5.2B
Annual production (tonnes)4M